How to Create an Icon List
How to Create an Icon List
- Log into your agency website.
- Click on Add Content.
- Select Icon List.
- Add Title (required).
- The Title is required so that the CTA can be found in the back-end of the system.
- It will display at the top of the Icon List block.
- Check the Hide Title box if you don’t want the title of the Icon List to be displayed on the site as a part of the content.
- Add a Summary to give more detail to your Icon List (optional).
- Add Icon Links (at least one required):
- Name the link in the Title field.
- This is the text that will display under the Icon in the published block.
- Select an Icon from the list provided.
- Add a URL in the URL field (required).
- If referencing an internal link (another link on this site), begin typing the name of the page you want to reference. A drop-down list will appear and you can select a page from there.
- If you’re linking off to an external site, you’ll need to include the full URL (https://www.google.com).
- Click Create Node.
- Click the Add new node button to add more Icon Links.
- Add a View More URL (optional)
- URL: If you'd like to send users to a page related to all links in this Icon List, add the page URL here.
- Link Text: Give the URL link above a name.
- To publish your CTA, check the Published checkbox.
- To Save as a Draft without publishing, leave the box unchecked.
- Click Save.
, multiple selections available,