- Log into your agency website.
- Navigate to Structure > Taxonomy at the top-left of the page.
- Find the Vocabulary Name you would like to add terms to and select List Terms under Operations.
- Here you'll find all of the terms already created for that vocabulary.
- To Add a new term:
- Click on the Add Term button.
- Enter the name (required).
- Enter a description (optional).
- Expand the Relation section to nest the new term under an existing term.
- Enter a URL Alias if you want the URL path of the new Term to be different than the default. For example, if you are adding a new Term called “Customer Support Team”Team,” the default URL would be yourdomain.georgia.gov/customer-support-team. You can manually change this URL by adding a URL Alias like /customer-support (or any other path you choose) to this field. Your new URL would then be yourdomain.georgia.gov/customer-support.
- Click Save.
- You can also Edit, Delete, or Clone existing terms.
- Under Operations, select an option beside the term name.