Why won't my WYSIWYG text editor load?

Why won't my WYSIWYG text editor load?


I’m trying to create or edit the contents of a page or block, but the description field is blank and there’s no way to type in it.

For example, on the edit page for a Promo, you might see this:


First, double check what browser you’re using. We have seen this behavior when editing content in Internet Explorer.

For the best editing experience, we recommend editing content in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. GovHub does not support editing in Internet Explorer.

Not sure what a browser is? This video will help explain:

And you can double-check what browser you are in by going to WhatsMyBrowser.org.

If you don’t have other browsers available on your device, you can use these links to get Chrome or Firefox:

If you try editing your content in a different browser and are still having this issue, please open a support request.

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