


08/27/20 - removed ability to link to Content and Documents in the trash

You should only use Trash for content you no longer need and are comfortable permanently deleting. Items in Trash are permanently deleted after 90 days. This is calculated from when it was published. For example, 90 days from February 3, 2023 would be May 4, 2023.

For content you may need again in the future, but don't currently want published, you should use the Archived state and not Trash. 

From Trash, you can:

  • Permanently delete content.
  • Restore content you may have accidentally moved to Trash or determined should not be permanently deleted.

How to Access the Trash

  1. Log into your agency website.
  2. Click on Content Libraries in the top-left of the admin toolbar.
  3. Select the Trash tab.
    1. Micro-content, Media, and Documents each have their own Trash bin.
  4. This page will display all content currently located in Trash.
    1. From here, you can filter to search for your content. 

Restore Items from Trash

  1. Log into your agency website.
  2. Click on Content in the top-left of the admin toolbar.
  3. Select the Trash tab you need (Content Trash, Micro-content Trash, Media Trash, Document Trash).
  4. To restore 1 item from Trash:
    1. Locate the item you want to restore.
    2. Select the check box the left of hat piece of content.
      1. If you have selected items on other pages in the Trash, those items will display in the Selected # Items in this View box below the Action drop-down. 
    3. In the Action drop-down box, located above your Trashed content, select Restore from Trash.
    4. Click the Apply to selected items button. 
    5. Select Execute action to confirm the action or Cancel to stop this action.
  5. To restore multiple items from Trash:
    1. Locate the items you want to restore.
    2. Select the check boxes related to that content.
      1. If you have selected items on other pages in the Trash, those items will display in the Selected # Items in this View box below the Action drop-down. 
    3. In the Action drop-down box, located above your Trashed content, select Restore from Trash.
    4. Click the Apply to selected items button. 
    5. Select Execute action to confirm the action or Cancel to stop this action.
  6. You will be directed back to the Trash page with a confirmation message at the top of the page stating the action you just completed.

Purge Items from Trash

When you purge items from Trash, you will permanently delete that content. This action can't be undone or retrieved.

  1. Log into your agency website.
  2. Click on Content in the top-left of the admin toolbar.
  3. Select the Trash tab you need (Content Trash, Micro-content Trash, Media Trash, Document Trash).
  4. To purge 1 item from Trash:
    1. Locate the item you want to purge.
    2. Select the check box related to that piece of content.
      1. If you have selected items on other pages in the Trash, those items will display in the Selected # Items in this View box below the Action drop-down. 
    3. In the Action drop-down box, located above your Trashed content, select Purge.
    4. Click the Apply to selected items button. 
    5. Select Execute action to confirm the action or Cancel to stop this action.
  5. To purge multiple items from Trash:
    1. Locate the items you want to purge.
    2. Select the check boxes related to that content.
      1. If you have selected items on other pages in the Trash, those items will display in the Selected # Items in this View box below the Action drop-down. 
    3. In the Action drop-down box, located above your Trashed content, select Purge.
    4. Click the Apply to selected items button. 
    5. Select Execute action to confirm the action or Cancel to stop this action.
  6. You will be directed back to the Content Trash page with a confirmation message at the top of the page stating the action you just completed.

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