Viewing Press Releases by Year

Viewing Press Releases by Year

If you need to sort Press Releases by year, GovHub automatically creates the pages for you. For instance, if you wanted to see a list of Press Releases for 2020, they can be found at https://[your agency].georgia.gov/press-releases/2020.

Adding Press Releases by Year to a Menu

  1. To add a list of Press Releases by year to a menu, follow these steps (we’ll use 2020 Press Releases for our example):

  2. Edit your main menu: https://[your agency].georgia.gov/admin/structure/menu/manage/main

  3. At the top of the page, click “Add link”

  4. Fill in the Menu link title field, i.e., “2020 Press Releases”

  5. Fill in the Link field with the “relative” URL, i.e., /press-releases/2020

  6. In the Parent Link dropdown, scroll until you find and select “News/Press Releases”

  7. Repeat for any other year that you may need

  8. You may need to rearrange the order of the links under “News/Press Releases” so they appear chronologically To do this:

    1. Edit your main menu: https://[your agency].georgia.gov/admin/structure/menu/manage/main

    2. Drill down to the Child Items, first by clicking the “Edit Child Items” for “Publications” then “News/Press Releases” 

    3. Here you can use the handle to the left of each child item to drag and drop the links.


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