How to Export and Schedule Reports

How to Export and Schedule Reports

For others in your agency who may not have access to GovHub Analytics, exporting and scheduling reports is a convenient way to share data.

Export Report

  1. Start on any page or dashboard.

  2. Near the top right corner, there will be an Export drop down or a button. See below for examples of both.


    Drop down:


  3. You’ll have different choices depending on the page or dashboard. Not all the options below will be available on every page.

    1. Export to PDF/Print – This renders the page as a PDF in your browser. From here, you can print or download the PDF.

    2. Export to HTML – This renders the page into HTML. From here, you can save as a webpage through your browser’s save function.

    3. Add widget to dashboard – This adds the current module to an existing or new dashboard. See Customize Dashboard for more information.

    4. Download CSV (all tables) and Download CSV with subtables – This will download the data on the current page to a spreadsheet.

    5. Add to report template – This function is not recommended as Siteimprove recommends using the Dashboard Report instead.

Send or Schedule Dashboard Report

  1. Start on any dashboard.

  2. Near the top right corner, there will be an Reports drop down or button. See below for example.


  3. There are three options.

    1. Email Report – To send a one-time report, enter the email addresses of recipients and an optional message.

    2. Schedule Report – To send automatic reports on a consistent frequency, enter the email address of recipients, select the report frequency, and add an optional message. You can preview the report before scheduling.

    3. Manage Scheduled Reports – To edit or delete previously scheduled reports, click on the "Edit (or Delete) scheduled report" icon to the right of the report you want to edit. Edit the recipient email addresses, frequency, and message, as needed. Save when you are finished.


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