
Release Date


Plain-text Only Webform Emails

To make integration for 3rd-party apps that rely on plain-text emails to come from our webforms easier, we ensured that only plain-text messages were sent unless the option to "Send email as HTML" was checked. 

Better 404 Page Not Found Pages

In this release, we improved the metadata to reinforce the message for end users that they're on a 404 page. It will also help our team and yours find 404 pages in Google Analytics.

Bye Bye IE11!

While we're not completely ending support for IE11, eventually, Microsoft themselves will stop supporting the browser. So we've implemented an alert message for IE11 visitors to download a more modern and more widely supported browser.

Summaries for Tilesets

During this release, we enabled the Summary content of Tilesets to display on the frontend, adding more use cases to this content type for how it's dispalyed on Landing Pages.

Better Contact Role and Name Display

To better present Contacts, we added a comma between the name and role.

Bug Fixes

The bug fixes in this release included:

  • Adding the theme link styling to links in the in the descrition of Link Collections.
  • Removing the carat from left side nav menu items whose children are Archived.
  • Adding padding around the page title on Landing Pages with a left side on mobile.