

Release Date


Interface Enhancements 

This release included a few changes to the front-end interface:

  • On Landing Pages, Press Releases displayed as a list of individual teasers and as an automatic list of teasers have the same amount of padding for continuity in the design.
  • Left-side navigation items have improved padding at every breakpoint tablet and larger.
  • We added a motorcycle icon to use in Icon Lists and Tiles.
  • We implemented a new admin interface theme called Claro.

Admin Interface Cleanup

You may have noticed that HTML markup had appeared on the edit form of migrated content. This markup was visually removed from the interface. The migrated content still exists in the database if needed.

Bug Fixes 

We fixed the display of Icon Lists in full-width sections of Landing Pages so that the title, description, and button are aligned left and the icons are aligned right.

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