

Release Date


Updates for Super Service

If a logo is being used for the Super Service, it will be used as the meta image instead of the State's pillars logo.

The Metatags option was added to the node edit form on the right side menu

Users with the Creator role on OCI's site now have access to create a Super Service

Updates For Heros

When creating a hero, it is now required to include an image. There is also now a 150 character limit for the Description.

We want your feedback

Visitors to our sites should now see a place at the bottom of certain content to provide their feedback on how helpful it was.

CAPTCHA Consideration

During this release, we eleminated the automatic addition of reCAPTCHA to our webforms. reCAPTCHA is still avaliable to add to webforms but is no longer automatically added when you create one.

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